

Rooms from € 63 per night


A new idea of guest house combining quality and convenient prices for the services offered.

It is situated in the Park of Gallipoli Cognato and the Dolomiti Lucane, among the sandstone peaks with strange shapes of the suggestive borgo of Pietra Pertosa.

Eureka Room and Breakfast has been realized like a highly innovative structure where you can relax and enjoy the mountainous fresh air and the lovely nearby Dolomitic landscape.

High-Tech Guest House

It has got four large bed rooms with private entrance and a panoramic garden. The structure is completely in charge of an automated system.


Our suggestions for an unforgettable journey

The Angel's Flight

Between Pietrapertosa rocks and Castelmezzano you can enjoy an exciting flight along a steel cable between heaven and earth called Volo dell’Angelo.

Via Ferrata

It is an equipped path to climb the LUCANE DOLOMITES. It allows you to reach otherwise inaccessible points and discover the great beauty of this place.

The 7 Stones Path

It has been realized thanks to a recovering farmer trail project of about 2 kms. It connects Pietrapertosa and Castelmezzano.


The Castle

The Castle, from the Roman Swabian era, is a must for the unique panorama of rocks, sky and roofs. You can get a splendid view of them from the top of it.

San Francesco Convent

Noteworthy is also the monastery of St Francesco surrounded by greenery. It is organized around a square cloister embellished with numerous works of art.

San Giacomo Church

Devoted to St Giacomo Maggiore, the church rises up in the upper part of the village and it can be reached walking along Garibaldi street.
For an unforgettable stay